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New and Improved!

📅 2024-09-05

Hi, long time no see!

Woah… It’s been more than a year since I’ve made any updates to this website, and I do apologize for that. Spending time on tech-related imageboards (mostly lainchan), and being a “minimalist” with a “minimalist” blog kinda took a tow on me, and I needed a break from all of that. The ones that know me on a personal level know that I’m not the most mentally healthy person, so “detox” periods are quite frequent for me.

But, I’m back. I can’t promise I’ll stay here for as long as I did before this hiatus, but I will try my best, both for my sake and your sake. I like to think that my blogposts are useful to not only myself, but also to others. That helps me motivate myself to keep going.

Also, maintaining a website, maintaining an identity if you will, helps me ground myself, and see where I came from, where I am, and where I’m heading in life. Yes, typical diauglih talking about “life” as if she knows anything, I know lol. But, having an identity really helps me like that. Being “diauglih” helps me like that.

If you have a good eye, you’ll notice that pre-2024 blogposts are now located in /blog/old/. I was gonna make a separate page for them, but it’s probably a better idea to keep everything together in one place; My social media-related blogposts, for example, can still be of interest to others today, so I shouldn’t gatekeep them behind another page.

…Why is the website different?

Oh yeah, of course! What do you think about how the website looks now? I think the old look was really boring, and I’ve always wanted to bring a sort of “yesterweb” vibe to this website. Of course, it still looks really simple, but at least the background is magical-looking. And I want my website to be magical. ✨

I’m still firm on keeping this website accessible on as many devices and web browsers as possible. This includes both mobile devices and text-based web browsers, like Lynx and such. Accessibility, in every sense of the word, has a much higher priority to me than having a “yesterweb” aesthetic. But one doesn’t (need to) invalidate the other; You can be both cool and visible.

Do expect the visuals to change as time goes on, by the way. I’m still learning the ins and outs of Hugo1, and juggling that with complex HTML and layouts is a real pain sometimes. It will be a slow process, so be patient, alright? ;)

Anyway, just a quick update. Blogposts will be coming in in no time. I already have a few prepared, waiting for their turn to shine…

Stay tuned, and take care! <3

  1. Yeah, I’m back to Hugo. Fuck that ssg script I was making. Maybe I’ll elaborate a little more in another blogpost. Maybe not. ↩︎