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changed to hugo + RSS feed implemented

📅 2022-07-15

hello again. new updates were made to the website, those being, if you’ve read the title of this post, the migration to hugo and the adition of a RSS feed, which was facilitaded by hugo because of the scripting things it’s capable of doing.

hugo is an open source static website generator written in go (maybe that’s why it’s called huGO). it’s super simple to use once you learn most of the ins and outs of it and know how to navigate the documentation and search stuff. before using hugo, i was writing every page by hand using HTML, which started to become stressful after a couple pages. now, i just create a file with hugo new path/to/the/ and start writing in markdown, which is much more convenient and straightforward than HTML.

another awesome thing about hugo is the scripting capabilities it has. the syntax is a little janky at first, to be honest, but i’ve seen worse (cough perl cough). anyway, the whole magic of hugo is made by those scripts, including, but not limited to, automating the process of updating the RSS feed! i have no idea how that script works, since i just yoinked a theme from somewhere and it came bundled together, but it’s cool nonetheless.

so yeah, pull your RSS feed reader and add this URL and see the magic happen. i’ll see you next time. bai bai.

Edit: update feed URL.